1 /*
2  *  alpm_list.h
3  *
4  *  Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>
5  *  Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org>
6  *
7  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
20 module alpm.alpm_list;
22 extern (C):
24 /* size_t */
26 /* Note: alpm_list.{c,h} are intended to be standalone files. Do not include
27  * any other libalpm headers.
28  */
30 /**
31  * @brief Linked list type used by libalpm.
32  *
33  * It is exposed so front ends can use it to prevent the need to reimplement
34  * lists of their own; however, it is not required that the front end uses
35  * it.
36  */
37 struct __alpm_list_t
38 {
39     /** data held by the list node */
40     void* data;
41     /** pointer to the previous node */
42     __alpm_list_t* prev;
43     /** pointer to the next node */
44     __alpm_list_t* next;
45 }
47 alias alpm_list_t = __alpm_list_t;
49 alias alpm_list_fn_free = void function (void*); /* item deallocation callback */
50 alias alpm_list_fn_cmp = int function (const(void)*, const(void)*); /* item comparison callback */
52 /* allocation */
53 void alpm_list_free (alpm_list_t* list);
54 void alpm_list_free_inner (alpm_list_t* list, alpm_list_fn_free fn);
56 /* item mutators */
57 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_add (alpm_list_t* list, void* data);
58 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_append (alpm_list_t** list, void* data);
59 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_append_strdup (alpm_list_t** list, const(char)* data);
60 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_add_sorted (alpm_list_t* list, void* data, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn);
61 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_join (alpm_list_t* first, alpm_list_t* second);
62 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_mmerge (alpm_list_t* left, alpm_list_t* right, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn);
63 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_msort (alpm_list_t* list, size_t n, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn);
64 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_remove_item (alpm_list_t* haystack, alpm_list_t* item);
65 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_remove (alpm_list_t* haystack, const(void)* needle, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn, void** data);
66 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_remove_str (alpm_list_t* haystack, const(char)* needle, char** data);
67 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_remove_dupes (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
68 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_strdup (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
69 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_copy (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
70 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_copy_data (const(alpm_list_t)* list, size_t size);
71 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_reverse (alpm_list_t* list);
73 /* item accessors */
74 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_nth (const(alpm_list_t)* list, size_t n);
75 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_next (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
76 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_previous (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
77 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_last (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
79 /* misc */
80 size_t alpm_list_count (const(alpm_list_t)* list);
81 void* alpm_list_find (const(alpm_list_t)* haystack, const(void)* needle, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn);
82 void* alpm_list_find_ptr (const(alpm_list_t)* haystack, const(void)* needle);
83 char* alpm_list_find_str (const(alpm_list_t)* haystack, const(char)* needle);
84 alpm_list_t* alpm_list_diff (const(alpm_list_t)* lhs, const(alpm_list_t)* rhs, alpm_list_fn_cmp fn);
85 void alpm_list_diff_sorted (
86     const(alpm_list_t)* left,
87     const(alpm_list_t)* right,
88     alpm_list_fn_cmp fn,
89     alpm_list_t** onlyleft,
90     alpm_list_t** onlyright);
91 void* alpm_list_to_array (const(alpm_list_t)* list, size_t n, size_t size);
93 /* ALPM_LIST_H */